Black Watermelon Seeds Heirloom, Open Pollinated, Non GMO – Grow Indoors, Outdoors, In Pots, Grow Beds, Soil, Hydroponics & Aquaponics

US $11.40

Black Watermelon Seeds Heirloom, Open Pollinated, Non GMO – Grow Indoors, Outdoors, In Pots, Grow Beds, Soil, Hydroponics & Aquaponics
— Original Package, 30 Seeds Of Each Pack

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    Black Watermelon Seeds Heirloom, Open Pollinated, Non GMO – Grow Indoors, Outdoors, In Pots, Grow Beds, Soil, Hydroponics & Aquaponics
    100% Organic Seeds We offer the highest quality 100% organic seeds online at the best price. All our seeds are non GMO and are harvested using sustainable practices. Most folks don’t need hundreds of single crop seeds for their backyard gardens. We offer smaller batches so you can grow different fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices.

    Growing Black Watermelon Seeds: A Simple Guide for Any Space

    Hey there, fellow green thumb! Wanna grow some juicy black watermelons? Awesome! Here's a no-fuss guide to get you started, whether you're a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into gardening.

    1. Pick the Right Seeds: Get your hands on some heirloom, open-pollinated, non-GMO black watermelon seeds. These babies are the real deal for tasty fruit and easy growing.

    2. Choose Your Spot: Got a backyard? Great! No outdoor space? No problem! You can grow these watermelons indoors, outdoors, in pots, grow beds, soil, hydroponics, or even aquaponics. Pick what works best for you.

    3. Prep Your Space: If you're using soil, make sure it's nice and fluffy, with good drainage. For hydroponics or aquaponics, set up your system and make sure everything's clean and ready to roll.

    4. Planting Time: Pop those seeds about an inch deep into your soil or medium. If you're using pots, make sure they've got drainage holes so your plants don't drown.

    5. Water and TLC: Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Watermelon plants love the sun, so give 'em plenty of light – at least 6 to 8 hours a day. If you're growing indoors, consider adding some grow lights to keep 'em happy.

    6. Give 'Em Support: As your watermelon vines start to sprawl, they might need a little help staying upright. Use trellises, cages, or get creative with whatever you've got lying around to give 'em some support.

    7. Watch for Pests and Problems: Keep an eye out for any unwanted guests or signs of trouble, like yellowing leaves or funky-looking fruit. If you spot any issues, deal with 'em ASAP using natural methods if you can.

    8. Harvest Time: Alrighty, now for the fun part! It usually takes about 80-90 days for those watermelons to ripen. Keep an eye on 'em as they grow – they'll start to turn a deep, rich color and sound hollow when you tap 'em. Once they're ripe, grab your shears and carefully cut 'em from the vine.

    9. Save Those Seeds: Want to grow more watermelons next year? Save some seeds from your ripe fruit. Just rinse 'em off, let 'em dry completely, and stash 'em in a cool, dry spot until you're ready to plant again.

    And there you have it, folks! Growing your own black watermelons is as easy as pie (or should I say, as easy as watermelon?). So go ahead, give it a shot – you'll be munching on sweet, juicy goodness in no time!